see yaaa Next Year, February!

udah akhir Februari lagi?!
how with your February guys?? full of love?
hhahahaayess. a lots of love on February for me :DD
cekidot! look at the pictures below...

no! this is not a valentine's gift. this is made by me ;)

okay! yang di atas itu, beneran gw yang bikin lohh. liburan gga ngapa-ngapain membuat gw berfikir untuk.. make something! halaaah.. banyaklooh yang gw buat, gga cuma kalung, tapi juga gelang. kaya ini nih:ini gw bikin dari sisa kain batik yang gga kepake, trus gw iseng" gmana caranya nih kain jd sesuatu yang bisa gw pake, hmm jadilah gelang ini :)

and then

ayang-ayangkuuuu ;)

hhahaha these picture are taken at Alodia's home.. tepatnya tanggal 10 Februari, yeah, Alodia's birthday surprise!! hmm wait, where's Alo?? haaaaaahh dia belum ngtag-in fto" nihh, jadi gga ada deeeeh :'( so sorry baby. hhihihii

trus nihh,
Forget Your Plane :)

Yay, the second album is out! :)
and it's FREE! download it here, right from his blog.

damn. i love his voice - Adhitia Sofyan. really enjoyed guys!

isn't she looks so cute??!

yay! she's my-new-niece. 4months old. and she's got a blood descendant of Javanese-Ternate-Portuguese. i LOVE her. muaaaaah from your aunty :)
Banyak banget tadinya foto" yang maw gw aplot dan gw ceritain disini. but the camera's carried by my sister, and I haven't transferred the pictures to the computer.
so, entaraan aja yaah kita sambung lagi ceritanya. hhehe

bye bye February.
and welcome March.
